I spoke with Jennifer North, Water Resources Technologist, at the MVCA early Monday morning regarding the high-water level of Kashwakamak Lake. She said they are in the process of getting the “upper lakes” under control (Mazinaw and Shabomeka). They are putting more logs there today and we should see a drop in our lake. Our lake level has peaked. It just dropped 1 cm and, she expects it to drop more. Water levels will remain high for the next week or so. “We will be adding logs into the Kashwakamak Lake dam by Wednesday or Thursday this week with a goal of matching the water flow that is going through the system. We don’t want the lake to drop too much now, as that could impact summer water levels,” Jennifer explained.
The goal is to get the lake level to the summer target for “recreational” use by the May long weekend. Jennifer said that this year is very similar to 2017 where the spring freshet (melting) was followed by a lot of rain. It means careful management of the flow throughout the water way. Depending on any future rain (which doesn’t seem to be in the forecast now), we may have higher than usual water levels for a while.
Questions about water levels?
Contact: Jennifer North
Water Resources Technologist
613-253-0006 ext. 243
jnorth@mvc.on.ca www.mvc.on.ca
Loon Nesting, Shoreline Health and Boating Safety
The high water is an important reminder about the impact it has on everything.
- It’s loon nesting season so please ensure little, to no wake if you are in a boat. Their nests are typically right along the shore line.
- Boat wake is also very impactful on shoreline erosion. Please be mindful if you are out in a boat, to decrease speed enough that you have little, or no wake heading to the shoreline.
- High water also impacts the yellow lake hazard markers. Our lake steward, Pete Johnson, will be venturing out in a week or so, to inspect the markers and see if any have moved and, or need to be replaced. Please email Pete if you know some are missing, lakesteward@kashwakamak.ca
- Boating can be dangerous in this high water as well, with logs and other debris floating in the water. Please be mindful and keep a careful watch.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Sue MacGregor
Kashwakamak Lake Association (KLA)
1715C Kashwakamak Lake Road
Cottage: 613-336-2693
Cell: 613-806-2355