Kashwakamak Lake Community
We need your feedback!
The Kashwakamak Lake Association (KLA) board recently set up a new “events/activities/social” committee and we are now reaching out to all KLA members, and other cottagers on the lake, to determine your level of interest in participating in any of these types of events or activities. We hope to appeal to different age groups and offer venues where there will be something for everyone. Please respond to the questions, offer suggestions and let us know if you are interested in helping out.
It’s a quick survey!
Please click on this link and take our 2-minute survey. There are only 5 questions.
Or type this address into your web browser https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NV725GL
Please print out this 2 page PDF of the survey questions to share with family, friends and neighbours who might not have access to the online survey link.
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